Patient Center
Achieving a “Body Built to Last.”
Dr. Nick interview with Bill Hauser, CEO SMB Team
Nicholas DiNubile, MD: A Renowned Orthopedic Surgeon specializing in Sports Medicine
Dr. Nick is in private practice in Havertown, PA with Premier Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, specializing in knee disorders & knee surgery. He has advised 2 U.S. Presidents on matters of health, wellness & health policy. Dr. DiNubile has served as a Team Physician for the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team and has been chosen in “Best Doctors in America” as well as “Guide to America’s Top Surgeons.”
He is the best-selling author of the FrameWork series of books (Rodale) and is the Executive Producer and host of the award-winning national PBS television special, Your Body’s FrameWork. He trained in orthopedic surgery at the Universe of Pennsylvania where he remained on the adjunct teaching faculty as a Clinical Assistant Professor for many years.
Dr. Nick In The News
Dr. Nick In The News
Dr. Nick recently discussed Philadelphia 76ers superstar Joel Embiid’s knee injury & recovery with Fox News. In the past he’s been featured internationally in REUTERS News regarding Tiger Wood’s serious injuries, the NY TIMES on Knee & Hip replacement innovations,
DrNick blogs on Huffington Post: To Keep YOU Healthy!
Check out Dr. Nick’s HuffPost blog on Rebuilding & Regenerating Damaged Knees. And also his past HuffPost blogs on a wide variety of health, fitness, wellness & sports medicine topics. Follow Dr. Nick!
Re-Building a Dancer’s Knee
With modern technology, damage to knees can be restored and parts even regenerated! Here’s an inspirational story of a wonderful dancer who came back from a serious knee injury to dance better than ever. Click here for the story and
Dr. Nick & the American Council on Exercise (ACE) on the critical role fitness professionals play in helping individuals live BOTH longer & stronger!
Are YOU 3-D Fit???
Dr. Nick featured on!
Are You 3-D Fit??? Arnold is for sure!
Click here to read R U 3-D Fit!
DrNick receives prestigious “Torg Award”
Chosen for his accomplishments in the field of Sports Medicine & Orthopedic Surgery by the Philadelphia Sports Congress at their annual conference. The award is considered enrollment into the Philadelphia region Sports Medicine “Hall of Fame.” Dr. DiNubile is especially
Fit Quips
“FitQuips are terrific, entertaining, informational — and something that will improve your health”
Death and Taxes
In both sickness and in health, life and death, a little planning goes a long long way, and throughout the continuum of life you should
Hear Me Now
Know what’s happening to you as you pass through the complex world of healthcare. After all, it’s your body and you only get one. Watch
The FrameWork Program & "Active For Life" Series
Read more about the FrameWork Program, or see if you are “Built to Last” by taking the FrameWork Self Test.