
“We make a living by what we get, We make a life by what we give”
– Winston Churchill

Dr. DiNubile believes in giving back and devotes tremendous time to helping others.

His volunteer work ranges from working with at-risk inner-city children to teaching medical students and resident physicians in training.

From mentoring future doctors to helping set national healthcare policy, he always finds time to lend a helping hand. He especially enjoys efforts to educate the public about health-related issues.

He served as special advisor to President George Bush (First Bush Administration) on the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under the leadership of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He continued his work with Arnold as the National Medical Advisor to the Inner-City Games Foundation and was the Founder and Chairman of Inner-City Games Philadelphia. Inner-City Game’s name was subsequently changed to “After-School All-Stars” but its wonderful mission remained the same as (at the time) the largest, most successful after-school program for at-risk children in the nation.

Dr. DiNubile was recently honored with the prestigious Torch Award for his years of volunteer work with After-School All-Stars Philadelphia aimed at making the future brighter for Philadelphia’s at-risk children.

Dr. DiNubile also supports the Arts and has worked with The Pennsylvania Ballet and school for over 25 years. The Pennsylvania Ballet relies on individuals and corporate generosity to continue its tremendous work within the arts.

Dr. DiNubile’s volunteerism includes teaching at the University of Pennsylvania where he works with both medical students and orthopedic surgery residents in training. He has helped introduce the concept of “Exercise is Medicine” into medical school curricula around the nation. In the past, he served as an Eisenhower Foundation U.S. Ambassador to China on a Sports Medicine educational exchange that tremendously influenced his approach to patient care in his own practice.

Dr. DiNubile has always had a strong interest in the area of public health, especially as it relates to providing credible information and changing individuals’ health behaviors for the better. In the world of orthopedic surgery, he has devoted an extensive amount of time to the area of patient education and media relations. He has served as a lead spokesperson for the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) as well as the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM). With AAOS he served as Chairman of the group that developed numerous patient and public education campaigns, many of which were award-winning. For AOSSM he served as Chairman of the Publications Committee for which he received an Outstanding Service Award. 

Over the years, Dr. DiNubile has been honored with numerous awards for his volunteer work including: Torch Award (for work with at-risk inner-city children in Philadelphia); Honor Graduate Award (for work in keeping physical education and fitness an integral part of the Children Achieving school curriculum in the Philadelphia Public School System); the HAFL Award (Healthy American Fitness Leaders award through the National Fitness Leaders Association given to individuals who have positively changed the health of our nation); and he joined the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charles Atlas, Dr. Ken Cooper and Jack LaLanne when he was recently inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame.

And Remember:

“We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own”
– Ben Sweetland