I was recently diagnosed with a herniated disc in my lower back after a lifting injury at work. I had pain in my back and also some minor discomfort in my right leg both of which have resolved. Will I need surgery?
Herniated discs are very common but fortunately do not usually require surgery. The discs are the shock absorbers in your spine. Your spine is made up of your vertebrae which are like building blocks and the discs are small gel like cushions in between each vertebra. The discs can be injured from improper lifting and also they can wear out over time. Most of us by the age of 40 do get some problems with our discs, either disc degeneration, or even herniated discs.
It sounds as though yours is healing. The symptoms you were having in your leg are from a “pinched nerve” or sciatica. You should be checked by your doctor to make sure there is no significant weakness or neurological problems and also to start a good preventive rehabilitation program.
To keep your lower back healthy and durable you should do the following: if you are overweight, lose excess weight; if you smoke, stop; improve your overall fitness with a good exercise program and stretch regularly; learn how to sit and lift properly; and learn to control any extra stress in your life.
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