I am a 48 year old female who enjoys exercise and activity. This year I fell while rollerblading and broke my wrist. It healed in a cast. I take calcium supplements and exercise regularly but osteoporosis runs in my family. What else can I do to keep my bones strong?
It sounds like you are on the right track to better bone health. In addition to calcium supplements you need to look closely at your diet and be sure that you are taking calcium rich foods in your meals since that calcium is absorbed much better than any supplement. Avoid soft drinks like sodas that contain phosphorus and blocks calcium absorption.
Talk to your family doctor about any possible medical conditions such as thyroid dysfunction that may be contributing to accelerated bone loss. Continue your exercise but remember that it needs to be weight bearing, and that only those bones that are experiencing direct “stress” will get stronger. For example, walking will strengthen the bones in your legs and hip but not your wrist area. A good weightlifting and strength training program is best for targeting all of your bones and should be included in your exercise program.
Also, since you have already gotten a fracture at a relatively young age, and have a family history of osteoporosis, you should absolutely have a Dexa Scan. These are very simple, non-invasive test that requires very little time and no pain. It gives great information about your bone density and bone health and can serve as an important baseline for you to monitor bone gain or bone loss over the years. It can also help determine if you need any newer medical treatment options to build bones and/or prevent further bone loss. I would have the Dexa Scan repeated in approximately 2 years to check your progress.
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