“Tennis Leg” / Pulled Calf Muscle

I was playing tennis and felt a sudden pain in my mid to upper calf area. It felt as though a tennis ball from another court had hit me in the calf. I was unable to continue playing and it has been one month since that episode and I have had difficulty getting back to play.

It sounds as though you have a “tennis leg” which is a name given to a calf strain in the mid to upper area of the calf in the muscle belly itself or at the muscle tendon junction. It usually happens on the medial or inner side of the calf.

Like any muscle strain, it can vary in severity from Grade I (mild muscle pull) to Grade III (complete tear). Usually “tennis leg” is Grade I or II and is treated conservatively with rest, ice, medication and good preventive stretching and strengthening program.

Most individuals try to return to play too soon and restrain the area. Your return should be more gradual and only after you can first walk briskly without any pain, then jog lightly and hop in place without any pain. Only if you have progressively passed these drills, without symptoms, should you even consider stepping onto the court for some light practice.

Spend more time warming up and stretching your calf muscle and drink plenty of fluids since dehydration is sometimes a factor in muscle injuries.

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