framework self test dr. nick printer friendly version

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11. Do you consume more than two glasses of wine (or other alcoholic beverages) a day?

GREEN: Never.
YELLOW: Maybe once or twice a month.
RED: Once or twice a week.
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12a. Do you have breakfast?

GREEN: Religiously.
YELLOW: Sometimes.
RED: What's breakfast?

12b. Is it a healthy breakfast?

GREEN: With fruit, whole grains, and skim milk or yogurt.
YELLOW: Coffee and toast.
RED: Coffee and a doughnut.
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13. What's your daily consumption of fruits and vegetables?

GREEN: Seven to nine servings and a “rainbow” of colors .
YELLOW: Maybe a green salad with dinner .
RED: I don't really like vegetables, do fruit loops count?
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14. How often do you eat oily, cold-water fish, such as salmon or sardines?

GREEN: Once or twice a week.
YELLOW: A couple of times a month.
RED: There's not much fresh fish where I live.
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15. When you eat on the run, where do you go?

GREEN: Indian, Thai, Japanese, or Greek
YELLOW: Does the salad bar count?
RED: Would you like fries with that?
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16a. Do you take an antioxidant supplement that includes vitamins A, C, E, and beta-carotene?

GREEN: Daily.
YELLOW: Most of the time.
RED: That's just for health nuts from California.

16b. Do you take a daily multivitamin?

GREEN: Daily.
YELLOW: Most of the time.
RED: I thought vitamins were for kids.
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17. Do you routinely need to take Advil, Aleve, Motrin, or prescription drugs for muscle, joint, or back discomfort?

YELLOW: Once or twice a month.
RED: More than twice a month.
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18. Combining food and supplements, do you routinely consume 1,200 milligrams of calcium every day?

YELLOW: I usually drink some milk and eat some yogurt.
RED: I'm not sure.
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19. Do you routinely drink sodas?

GREEN: Never.
YELLOW: Only the diet stuff, and only now and then.
RED: I'm a colaholic.
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20. How much water do you drink a day?

GREEN: 8 full glasses
YELLOW: 4 to 6 glasses, usually
RED: I'm thirsty now
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