I Love Lucy

“The secret of staying younger is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age.”
Lucille Ball

The search for the fountain of youth has been a never ending effort. We seem more and more interested in lotions, potions, surgery and even injections — all for that unreachable eternal youth. The real secrets to turning back the clock are much simpler.

“I Love Lucy” was on the right track focusing on how you live. Over 60% of premature deaths in the country are felt to be linked to lifestyle — nutrition, exercise, smoking, alcohol and substance abuse as well as other variables directly under our control. Food choices are so important and scientific studies have shown low fat, low calorie diets do actually add years to your life. Also, exercise is the closest thing to the fountain of youth that I have found.

Another consideration- did you choose your parents wisely? Certainly genetics are important but it is only, in poker player terms, the cards you are dealt- it’s really how you play the hand that matters. Again, lifestyle.

Although Lucy has great advice, I don’t recommend lying about your age. Honest living and hard work all serve to keep you young beyond your years. Instead, do what I do when someone asks my age. I say “age is just a number — and mine is unlisted.”


Go to realage.com to find your “real age” and get great tips to turn back your clock.

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