“May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions”
Joey Adams
New Year’s resolutions. Most people make em, most people break em- usually in a month or so. If they were that easy to keep, we would all look as good as the eternally youthful Dick Clark (RIP) once looked for so many years as he usherd in each passing New Year. So is it even worth the trouble to make these wishful resolutions? Absolutely!
The only way to improve yourself, physically, emotionally or spiritually is to have a vision of what you want to be. Any successful, high achiever will tell you that it all starts with a thought, a dream. Your New Year’s resolutions are exactly that. Add some motivation, a plan, and a little bit of will power and you can reach these goals. Most New Year’s Resolutions involve health habits such as losing weight, exercising more, or giving up some nasty habits, but really can involve anything from education and inner-personal relations to shopping a little less or getting more organized. Fred Smith said it right when he surmised that “your New Year’s resolutions are your last year’s confessions”.
So make your resolutions and don’t worry if you fall off the wagon real soon. The important thing is to get right back on track. Also don’t just wait for New Years to set goals for yourself. I like going through the process three times a year- New Years, springtime, and in the fall. All, times of change.
Before you ring out the old you, stop a moment and think about what is really important to change about yourself, that will make you a happier, healthier, better you. Also, to help insure your success try the following:
- Set both reasonable and reachable goals.
- Write your goals down and keep them where you can see them often.
- Enlist a friend and help each other stay the course.
- Check your progress regularly and be willing to modify your goals rather than abandon them.
- Don’t panic if you slip, just get up and try again.
- Reward yourself when you see some progress.
Also, if you really want to positively impact your life, make a resolution that involves you helping others.
You can even have some fun with your resolutions. There are apps that can help keep you focused and on task. My personal favorite, that can absolutely have you eating better and exercising more, is MyFitnessPal @MyFitnessPal. Also, best-selling author (Reality is Broken) Jane McGonigal’s ‘SuperBetter’ app can motivate you and help you stay on track to reach any of your health and fitness goals/resolutions superbetter.com @SuperBetter.
Make your list, check it twice. It’s all up to you…naughty or nice?
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