Patient Information
For patients of Dr. Nick DiNubile, this section is provided to help you get information you will need for your first visit, your intake process, and what to do after your visit. We will provide the necessary forms you may need to make your visits as efficient as possible, and encourage you to read over instructions on specific procedures.
- Welcome to our practice! There are some things you can do that will make us more effective in helping you get better and allowing us to better answer all your questions. Please fill out your patient-related forms. If you have not had any prior evaluation, studies or treatment for your condition then see the above“what to bring to your office visit” section. If you have had any prior evaluation or treatment for your condition, we need you to do some homework to get us your information.
Please bring pertinent X-rays, MRI and lab work (if done). With X-rays and MRI, please do not have the films sent or mailed to us (they never seem to arrive). Rather, you will need to go to the facility where they were taken and pick them up. Please check that the correct films are in the folder and that they are actually your films (mistakes do happen and this will save you a second trip). Also it is very important for you to have the reports of your X-rays and MRI sent to us. They can be FAX’d to us at 610.449.9814 or you can bring the reports, along with the films, to your visit. If the studies are over 5 years old, then they are less likely to help us and you don’t need to get them. If you have had prior surgery then we will need your op report which can be obtained from your surgeon or sometimes from the hospital or surgi-center where your surgery took place. Records from prior treating physicians are also helpful.
The more information we have, the better position we are in to help you. Also please check the “what to bring to your office visit” section and if there are any additional questions, contact us.
Patient Forms
If you are visiting Dr. Nick’s office, we encourage you to complete these forms ahead of time. The purpose of these office forms is to help gather important information about you and your health so that we can best help you.
Completing these important forms prior to your visit allows you more time to gather the necessary information and it can be done at your leisure. This will also save you time in the office and make your visit with us more efficient. Your waiting time will be decreased and we will be able to spend more time with you rather than with your paperwork! Please note that there are some areas of these forms that are mandatory and need to be answered to better serve your needs.
Available Forms
Premier Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Associates
Patient Instructions
These instructions are for patients who have undergone or are contemplating common knee surgical procedures performed by Dr. DiNubile. They include the usual post-op and recovery related protocols and should answer many of your questions and concerns.
Existing Patients
Welcome back! You are probably familiar with our policies, but please take a moment to review things. If you have not completed our …forms please do so. If there has been a change in your address, phone number, contact information, health insurance or billing information please let us know and bring your new cards and information to your visit. Also update any significant changes in your health (i.e.. new allergies, medications, surgery, or medical problems). If we have not seen you for several years, please remind our staff prior to your visit and we will obtain your old chart and records from our storage area.
If you have been evaluated or treated elsewhere for your problem, we will need you to do some homework. Please bring pertinent X-rays, MRI and lab work (if done). With X-rays and MRI, please do not have the films sent or mailed to us (they never seem to arrive). Rather, you will need to go to the facility where they were taken and pick them up. Please check that the correct films are in the folder and that they are actually your films (mistakes do happen and this will save you a second trip). If Dr. DiNubile has already seen your X-rays or MRI you will not need to bring them again. Also it is very important for you to have the reports of your X-rays and MRI sent to us. They can be FAX’d to us at 610.449.9814 or you can bring the reports, along with the films, to your visit. If the studies are over 5 years old, then they are less likely to help us and you don’t need to get them. If you have had prior surgery elsewhere then we will need your op report which can be obtained from your surgeon or sometimes from the hospital or surgi-center where your surgery took place. Records from prior treating physicians are also helpful.
The more information we have, the better position we are in to help you. Also please check the “what to bring to your office visit” section and if there are any additional questions, contact us.