“Boomeritis” is a variety of musculoskeletal ailments and injuries that occur usually in active individuals around the age of 40 or 50. These problems occur for a variety of reasons ranging from old injuries and overuse, to the aging process or genetics, and can effect virtually every body part especially joints, tendons and bones, making them more vulnerable.
Although it is happening in droves to the baby boom generation, it can happen to anyone whose body or frame has picked up some dings along the way.
In addition to the physical ailments such as tendinitis, arthritis and bursitis, Boomeritis has another component. “Fix-Me-Itis” is the mindset typical of the baby boomers who don’t want to deal with the changes their body is experiencing and want things fixed, now. It’s part of their never ending quest to try to turn back the clock.
Boomeritis is a new ailment that we will be seeing much more of as time goes on. For more on the history of Boomeritis, as well as some Boomeritis links, click here.
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